Special equipment - Storz GmbH

Special plant engineering with planning and performing from one provider

You are searching for a possibility to implement any ideas to improve your installation or to bring it up to the new technical state? We will help you with that! Together we will develop a solution starting from the clear layout to planning up to realisation and installation of the different control cabinets with hard- and software, with all extern, necessary devices.

  • Dosing equipment with integrated product feed

  • Verifiable dosing installations for sales up to 1m³

Dosing equipment with integrated product feed

Special eqipments are also available for small applications. There are dosing systems for a continuous dosing, which calculate the dosing quantity recipe controlled and readjust it, if necessary. Additional to that, there is a conveyor unit installed, to add the medium out of a container into the dosing line.

› Compact unit
› Recipe-based dosing (according to customer specifications) or manual dosing possible
› External control of the process possible
› Integrated delivery unit according to the dosing quantity
› Versatile configurations possible thanks to implemented PLC control

Verifiable dosing installations for sales up to 1m³

Verifiable dosing installations for sales are dosing installations to fill liquids out of a plant into selling vessels by official books. These plants fill the liquids into containers with help from a deaerator, a measuring device, a dosing valve and a control unit with included PC-connection. The plant is proofed by the official standard inspection. Thus repeatable fillings are possible with an official calibration seal.

› Compact unit
› Degasser unit
› Rollable frame
› Dosing control unit with own PC for data storage of the fillings
› External control of the process possible
› Certification possible

Plant planning

Every plant is planned and constructed customized and individual. Every control cabinet is produced custom-made with customer specification with own or extern planning.

For every special installation we prepare a customized layout

Plant planning - Storz GmbH
Plant planning - Storz GmbH

Programming / Controller

For the controller we use predominant electronic controller from Siemens

Controller tools like the Siemens TIA-Portal V14, V15 and V15.1 are used as much as the Siemens Step 7 Classic V5.6

Programming / Controller - Storz GmbH
Programming / Controller - Storz GmbH

Individual planning for control cabinets with proven, robust and durable components

Individual planning for control cabinets - Storz GmbH
Individual planning for control cabinets - Storz GmbH